Patrick Ironwood
A mixed media visionary artist and creator of
Nature of Reaction: Fine & Unusual Art, Patrick studies and
explores imaginary shipwrecks and philosophical archeological
digs, then presents whimsical artifacts and mechanisms
discovered therein as an exhibit, known as:
The Museum of Future Anthropology.
Relicts found in this exhibit are items from current civilization reassembled by future ancestors into imaginative machines, numinous treasures, experimental optical devices, and post-civilization tribal regalia & talismans. These anachronistic
objects tell stories of many possible futures.
Lampwork, sculpture, and chemical aging of: glass, metal,
mirrors, magnets, and obtuse objects are blended into
impossibly old conundrums you hold in your hand.
This body of work includes: kaleidoscopes, divining
pendulums, apothecary bottles, wands, miniature brooms, medical amulets, phosphorescent luminaries, cabinet
knobs, lamp pulls, buttons, beads, marbles,
medicine bags, and gorgets.

Photo Gallery
“The Perfect Flame”
Hand-Crafted Glass Creations

All views seen below are through this ONE kaleidoscope!
Amulets & Talismans
Electroformed Sculpture and Figurines
The Process

Come visit the Liquidambar Art Gallery to see more!