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christopher gilligan chris at chrisgilligan.net
Wed Aug 21 21:49:46 EDT 2013

Pat, you should talk to an accountant about what it means (and takes) to set up a chapter organization. It is a bit more paperwork and it takes a lot of effort from all sides. It helps if the child chapter has it's own accountant that can speak financialeze to the parent .org's accountant.

It can be done, but it definitely takes more financial savoir-faire than what's in my head.

We have done this for skatepark.org in the past, but the results have been… to put it mildly… mixed. If the child .org is .organized, and has it's own accountant, and if the parent .org is .organized and has its own accountant who knows their sh!t, then it works well. If it's dis.organized, it's a magnet for irs.gov, and it all falls to p!ece$. 

So, I recommend: before you pursue this path, get re-established with a local accountant, and require the potential child .org to have their accountant speak to your accountant before you tango.

On Aug 21, 2013, at 7:16 PM, Patrick Ironwood <patrick at svionline.org> wrote:

> this is great thanks, can you please help me to know what it takes for svi to umbrella an organization... it seems its what we have been doing for robin of the forest... and id like to help a group in Asheville... peacetrain... look for their web site... they have a beta... and then i hear alex fear has an herbal teaching school... so id like to figure out how we can source out some of svi's potential to others doing work we would like to support... if they raise money we will get a percentage for administrative overhead..say 4-14%.... any ideas or information on this would be helpful.
> On Aug 21, 2013, at 7:58 AM, christopher gilligan wrote:
>> http://svionline.org/board/categories/svi-board-of-directors
>> http://svionline.org/board/discussion/3/by-laws-of-the-svi-bod-bylaws
> <Don'tPanic.gif>  do something...
> <il_570xN.208764740.jpeg>
> the rule of no realm is mine.  but all worthy things that are in peril as the earth now stands, those are my care.  and for my part,  i shall not wholly fail in my task if anything passes through the night that can still grow fair or bear fruit and flower again in the days to come. for  i too am a steward, are not you?  Gandalf
> **************************
> patrick ironwood
> director of landscaping and architecture
> sequatchie valley institute
> media rights at moonshadow
> 1233 cartwright loop
> whitwell, tn  37397
> landline:423- 949-4598
> cell:770-241-3958
> www.svionline.org
> patrick at svionline.org
> **************************
> <American-Scientific-Glassblower-Society.jpg>
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